Full arch immediate loading practical training with intraoral welding
Planning, creating surgical templates and superstructures, 3D printing and intraoral welding

The combination of proven intraoral welding and modern 3D printing technology, combined with digital planning of implant treatment, allows you to achieve predictable results in the most difficult clinical cases.
Dr n. med. Adam Nowicki
The course includes an analysis of clinical cases made by the doctor, a step-by-step presentation of a complete protocol for immediate full-arch restoration on implants with intraoral welding.
During the workshop, participants independently perform a full-arch implantation procedure on an artificial 3D model with a template and intraoral welding.
The full-arch implantation procedure on an artificial 3D model will be performed using, two-piece implants with Multiunit and implants with integrated Multiunit.
Two kinds of courses!
1. Medical course with a workshop on 3D models
The program of the event
Implant placement planning
Suprastructure design
Export supports and 3D printing
Fully guided surgical protocol
Suprastructure pick-up
– Pterygoid implants x2
– Two-piece implants x2
– Implants with integrated Multiunit x2
Implant prosthetic elements choice for intraoral welding
Intraoral welding on models
Questions and answers
Price: 5 000 zł (1050 euro)
2. Medical course with live surgery
The program of the event
Planning, surgical guide and suprastructure creation, 3D print and intraoralwelding. Live surgery on second day.
Day 1.
Implant placement planning
Suprastructure design
Export supports and 3D printing
Fully guided surgical protocol
Suprastructure pick-up
Day 2.
Price : 20 000 zł (4 750 euro)
Additional information and registration:
kom. +48 797 300 893
tel. 22 515 43 55
e-mail: sales@pro-trate.pl
kom. +48 797 097 838
tel. 22 525 26 79
e-mail: event@pro-trate.pl